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Showing posts from March, 2021

Navigating WCAG 2.1: A Step-by-Step Approach for Developers

 Get Familiar with WCAG 2.1: WCAG 2.1 is like the rulebook for web accessibility. It's split into four parts: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR). For instance, "Perceivable" includes rules like giving all images a text description (alt text) for folks who can't see them.  Run an Accessibility Audit: Use tools like Google Lighthouse or WAVE to scan your site. They'll flag up stuff like missing alt text, low color contrast, or form fields without labels.  Manual Testing: Automated tools can't catch everything. You'll need up roll to your sleeves and do some manual testing. Try navigating your site using only your keyboard, or using a screen reader like NVDA or VoiceOver. You're checking that all content and functionality is accessible.   Write an Accessibility Statement: This is a page on your site where you talk about your commitment to accessibility. You could mention that you're aiming for WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliance, lis

Few useful github commands

Git has many different commands that you can use. Please find few very basic useful commands. //TO CONFIG USER git config --global "" //TO CACHE USERS LOGIN git config --global credential.helper cache // TO INTIATE GIT git init // TO ADD FILE TO STAGING git add filename_here // TO ADD ALL CHANGES TO STAGING git add . // TO CERTAIN FILES CHANGES TO STAGING git add fil* // TO CHECK GIT STATUS git status // TO COMMIT CHANGES WITH MESSAGE git commit -m "your commit message here" // TO COMMIT AND SKIP STAGING git commit -a -m"your commit message here" // TO AMMEND MOST RECENT COMMIT git commit --amend // TO SEE COMMIT HISTORY git log // TO SEE SPECIFIC COMMIT git show commit-id // TO SEE CHANGES BEFORE COMMITING git diff // REVERT STAGED CHANGES git reset HEAD filename git reset HEAD -p // ROLLBACK LAST COMMMIT OR TO COMMIT ID git revert HEAD git revert comit_id // TO CREATE NEW BRANCH AND CHECKOUT git branch branc